Positive thinking leads to positive action at Minehead Climate Fair

More than 20 organisations were represented at the Minehead Climate Fair, organised by West Somerset Green Forum on 28th September, with around 70 people overall involved in putting the event on. Positive thinking was the order of the day, and the fun atmosphere, colourful stalls, non-stop music and home-made cake drew more than 100 people to the event. Interest in the different information stalls and the series of expert talks was high, and discussion with both stallholders and speakers explored key issues related to climate change and sustainable living in depth. Ripples from the event are already spreading far and wide: participants have made new contacts, developed links for new projects, recruited new members and/or volunteers, and made new climate-friendly pledges. 

There will be a friendly follow-up to the event at the new premises of Our Precious Earth, Keith Hunt’s award-winning plastic-free shop, in Minehead’s Wellington Square, at 7.30pm on Monday 28th October.

All are welcome: there’ll be free drinks & refreshments, and some special offers on Keith’s products!

 For more information, contact Elizabeth Atkinson at flyingfish58@icloud.com


West Somerset Green Forum’s Annual General Meeting 2023